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Manly Mercurial Material Matchbox Monday MB 60 Site Hut Truck in F Box 1969

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    Posted 1 year ago

    (3478 items)

    Plus special guest in an E3 box. The F box is the bottom box in the 1st photo. With each box type the art was larger. The F box has Matchbox straight across the top instead of curved like the E box. Also end flap art gets larger. The artwork on the F box takes up almost the whole end flap. Just a note that the F box was only used in 1969 thus this is from 1969. The other is from 1966.
    In the last photo there is a variation which collectors refer to as Stannard Codes. I do not know the number for these Stannard codes. The hardcore collectors know all the codes. More hardcore than me. Anyway the one on the left is the later version. It has a U shaped spot so it could hooked up to a tow truck. Very important for Matchbox play.
    These site huts would be at construction sites where all the guys had one syllable names like Joe, Ed, Pete and Sam. It was the law back then.

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 1 year ago
      The site huts could be tiny houses now. :^)

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