Posted 1 year ago
(3478 items)
Apparently orange is another color that is difficult to photograph. Anyway this is the panel wagon version the 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air. The station wagon version was the famed Nomad. It is great car to make a model of but I do have one small problem. The graphics are too nice for a 1950s car. Something that looked hand painted and perhaps the top should be white instead of black.
In other news Mr Jingles got out last night when the wind blew the door open (thought I had it securely short. I searched for him but no sign. I left the door open and he eventually came in soaking wet. In the last photo he is enjoying his treats after a few hours outside. Note he has never been outside and he did not like it.
Terrific Chevy Bel Air wagon, and Mr Jingles has beautiful fur even soaking wet :)
Glad Mr Jingles found his way back in after an exploration into the New World! I feel Santa needs to bring you a new phone to replace your old flip phone!
Good looking Chevy. Pleased to hear Mr J returned home safely, you had me worried there for a minute when you said he got out.
Poor guy. So glad he came back. Mine watch the dog go out and sit by the door.So far no jail breaks. :)
Thank you very much Newfld and Mr Jingles thanks you.
Thank you very much Dave.
Thank you very much elanski. I was worried too.
Thank you very much Mike. He wouldn't have gone out but the door was wide open.o