Posted 1 year ago
(845 items)
1960s U.S. Government Emergency Drinking Water
THIE END IS NEAR...I mean the end of another year! Happy New Years to all my CW friends. Have a safe and happy holiday.
Of all the xmas gifts I enjoy the quirky, unusual and historic ones the most. These are two cans(still full) of U.S. Government emergency drinking water. From the contract code, it appears that this dates just between the DA & DSA format change, so the the 62 at the end should be 1962.
After the end of WWII, we entered the "cold war" era from the mid 40s(starting about 1945) to the early 60s several companies manufactured these cans. There was much fear of nuclear attack and as a result fallout.
"Government authorized the Federal Civil Defense Administration to teach people how to prepare for a nuclear attack. The agency's instructions focused on suburban households, believing that nuclear attacks would be aimed at cities where there would be few survivors. Suburban homeowners were encouraged to build bomb shelters in their basements or backyards, and to fill them with enough food to feed the family for at least two weeks."
These supplies, included a nutritious mixture of raisins, peanuts and dried apples, called pemmican, and were stored in a shelter. And of course the most important key to survival is clean drinking water.
Archeologists have found evidence that storing water can be traced as far back as 7000 years ago. In Jericho, Isreal they stored water in wells that were used as sources. They then used channels dug in rock and sand to move the water. Since that particular city is thought to be around 11,000 years old it may go back further?
Egyptians used hollow palm trees to move water. China and Japan used bamboo shoots. Eventually clay, wood and even metal were used.
Bottled water can be traced back in the UK to the early 1600s.
America had commercially bottled and distributed water tracing back to 1767 in Boston.
I will admit that I am related to a dooms day prepper. He is a psychotic moron & is convinced that unless one has stored enough food for at least 2-5 yrs and that it must be guarded with armed men or else that all will perish. There's a 10 x 20 room devoted to food and cans of 10 year water..stocked floor to ceiling with mostly rotted food now!
Happy New Year Dave!
A most thought provoking this day we worry about our drinking water & drink bottled now. Only time we store some is when a power outage threatens from a storm, but can imagine the fears of nuclear fallout in the cold war years
Now, that's one item I've never seen. Very cool gift!! Happy New Year to you my friend. I hope it's a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year for you Dave!!
Strange now they want to ban bottled water!! Maybe we'll go back to the can!!
Happy New Year Dav and CW.
I'll repost Boy Scouts effort to Nuclear War.
I remember those days of taking cover under our desks at school when we had a nuclear bomb drill.
My family didn’t have a bomb shelter but there was a lot of talk about it. Thank God, that horror never happened. Maybe it never will….Im not a “prepper” so I’d run out of food quickly, but at least nobody would have reason to rob me.
That was a unique and thought provoking gift you received.
I’m wishing a safe and healthy new year to all!
Thanks to all for looking and loving my post. Hope everyone made it through safely and hope this year is way better than last year!
MishMash - Thanks for the comments. All I can say is. .lots of people have been called crazy..right up until something happens. Then people say..hmmm guess they were smart! Hopefully we never get there.
Jenni - Thanks for the comments. Luckily we have good water here. I lived at a duplex that had a well for about a decade..shower head, toilets, etc always had mineral build ups. Don't miss that..
Scott - Glad I could provide a new item for you to see. You provide us with interesting items all the time.
Stuff - I'm going to definitely display these with the rest of my fallout display. I think plastic has both changed the world and ruined the world.
WatchS - I too used my school desk to protect me from earthquakes, nuclear bombs and more! Ohh the good ol
Yes Dave calling them crazy right up to the end like Noah
Now if they can only come up with
Thanks Can hear +See
Can do would be nice also :)