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Mulch Making Madness Matchbox Monday MB 40 Hay Trailer In F Boix 1969

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    Posted 1 year ago

    (3474 items)

    This hay trailer was only sold in the F style box in 1969. In 1970 it was one of the few models that did not switch to Superfast wheels. But it still had a Superfast box. Imagine a hay wagon flying by at high speed, that is the 1970 box.
    Anyway I have this and and an E style box for comparison. This is an odd one as the box size changed too. Not sure why the box is longer as that serves no purpose. The box is also more narrow such that the stakes need to be removed. There is an illustration on the top of the box in photo #3. The front axle turns 360 degrees so it will fit in the box. Also that is helpful when being pulled by the MB 39 Ford Tractor.
    It can also be pulled by the John Deere tractor or the Mercedes Truck. Hours of fun for the whole family.

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