Posted 1 year ago
(418 items)
Some of you may remember the unusual bowl I posted a few years ago that was actually a boat stand, well I went into the Sallies the other day and what should I see but the boat!!
Unfortunately in a different colour but these aren't common so I'm not going to complain at the moment.
The boat made by Sowerby was available in 4 different sizes 41/2", 10", 12" and 15" and many different colours. the pattern number 42947 was registered in 1886 and together with the flint (clear) colour the row boats were also produced in opal, blanc-de-lait, Sowerby's malachite colours, blue aqua and Sowerby's vitro porcelain colour range up until about 1910. There is also Uranium ones but these seem rarest of all.
This boat is a 12" in "Flint" and the stand that was only made in one size to fit the 3 larger size boats is "Opal"
Condition of the boat is quite good for a piece of glass that is 110+ years old. In the last photo you will notice it has an oval rim of glass on the bottom, this is to keep it steady on a flat surface as the stand was an extra.
The pattern on the boat is called "Daisy Block".
Well done, Bernard, super find!
As you may know I'm a big fan of putting orphan items back together, & it happens a lot with Victorian glass, so much of it has been lost & separated over the years. Great to see your persistence rewarded! And how good is op shopping? The best type of shopping in my opinion...
BHIFOS, Very cool. :-)
Yep, I remember when you posted the boat stand:
This glassmessages dot com forum thread has some interesting tidbits:
Its a real beaute, but would not want to see gravy in it. I love the stand which is almost futuristic. My Irish table would hold this beauty well if it was the 41 and 1/2 incher !~
Thanks Marin, yes bargains at op shops are always nice to find! :)
Thanks Kera, yes is where I found a lot of info about them, a really useful site.
And also thanks Phil, and you are right gravy would not be a good thing to serve in this boat, too many sharp angles. Sorry the 41 and a 1/2 incher is only 4 and a 1/2 inches so will probably get lost on the Irish table..... :)
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