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Athearn Ready To Run Santa Fe Wide Vision Caboose

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Athearn Model Trains1 of 21HO Scale Athearn Southern Pacific Cabooses 2 Of ThemBeer Train Reefer Cars Athearn and Roundhouse HO Scale
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    Posted 1 year ago

    (3476 items)

    The Ready to Run series from Athearn is a fancier and more expensive version of their HO scale trains. The quality of the kits is fairly high but these are a bit nicer. I do not run into these often, in fact I think this is the first one I have seen being sold secondhand.
    The wide vision caboose is one of the last models of the caboose. It combines the copula caboose with the bay window caboose. So with this caboose you could see the side of the train and the top of the train. It is all very nice I am sure.

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