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Bohemian Art Nouveau iridescent yellow streaky swirled glass vase

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    Posted 1 year ago

    (948 items)

    This is a super piece of Bohemian art glass that I won on eBay AU! It wasn't exactly a bargain but at least there were no other bidders involved.
    It is made from two layers of cased glass, light yellow over an opaline white interior. The outer layer also has an unusual swirled, subtly textured streaky spatter in green, yellow & dark oxblood red/burgundy. There is an iridescent finish, & the vase measures 10 cm tall, 7 cm across the polished top rim, & 7 cm across the octagonal base. The shape is an eight sided ribbed melon type form, & the surface has a texture like watered silk.
    I guess this may have had a brass flower frog, but to be honest it looks fine without one, unlike some vases of this type. The colour appears as though it would contain uranium but the black light response was unconvincing.
    Bohemian origin, circa 1900 - but who made it? I've been scouring for similar decors online but haven't been able to figure it out yet. Welz? Kralik? Or someone else?

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