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Bohemian Art Nouveau iridescent ruby glass vase with metal collar - Welz Ripple

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Russell117's loves17 of 151Bizantino match holderBohemian Art Nouveau iridescent yellow streaky swirled glass vase
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    Posted 1 year ago

    (948 items)

    This was a super win on eBay AU last Saturday! It had a lot of bidder interest but luckily I was able to score it at the last second.
    The vase is made from ruby glass with an iridescent finish & a has deeply ridged, undulating pattern. It measures around 14 cm tall, 4.7 across the top rim, & 5 cm across the base. There is an attached metal collar measuring 4 cm deep with an Art Nouveau design. It looks quite dull, not sure what kind of metal it is, & I haven't tried polishing it yet.
    Bohemian origin, circa 1900. Not sure of a maker, it was sold as Loetz but haven't found a pattern like this among their repertoire. So, perhaps Welz, Kralik, etc?

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    1. IronLace IronLace, 1 year ago
      Update - have been looking at some examples of iridescent glass by Welz, & even though I couldn't find this pattern, I did find a vase in a different decor with the same collar. Now, it could be that such collars were possibly supplied to various glass makers, so I can't use that as definitive evidence...however, it is interesting...
    2. jscott0363 jscott0363, 1 year ago
      Awesome eBay win!! I love it!!
    3. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 1 year ago
      very nice for red and pink roses
    4. IronLace IronLace, 1 year ago
      Thanks so much, Scott!
    5. IronLace IronLace, 1 year ago
      Thanks also, kivatinitz!
    6. welzebub welzebub, 1 year ago
      I believe this to be Welz production. The collar is not reliable enough to use as a marker for their production, but I have to note that I have never been successful at locating known production by another firm using this collar design. I have also seen the collar used on a wide range of Welz shapes in a handful of Welz decors.

      A couple of months ago, I located this decor in Cadmium Yellow, and on a shape which was produced in Welz's variant of Spiraloptisch. I have, since then, also seen an example of this decor in the same ground color as yours with the same collar style. The Cadmium Yellow example of this decor was on a shape that did not have a collar.

      Nice find. These styles of Welz production are the most difficult to identify, as so many companies used this style of iridescent glass.
    7. BHIFOS BHIFOS, 1 year ago
      Beautiful, and you have the frog/collar!!
    8. IronLace IronLace, 1 year ago
      Many thanks, Craig, fantastic information, much appreciated!
      I was so pleased to have won this, it is a really super piece & I'm thrilled to have it in my collection. That it is Welz makes it even better!
    9. IronLace IronLace, 1 year ago
      Thanks also, Bernard!
      Yes, this one is fixed on permanently, cannot budge it!
    10. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 1 year ago
      It’s beautiful among the flowers! I must admit you have me stumped regarding the name of the flowers…..I’ve never seen them in my area.
      I’d love for you to tell me their name.
    11. IronLace IronLace, 1 year ago
      Hi Patricia, sorry for my late reply, the flower is a fuchsia. Specifically, Fuchsia magellenica var. gracilis, commonly known as Hardy Fuchsia. Very easy to grow in various climates. I grew this in Sydney for many years & it seems to grow even better in the Mountains, 100 kilometres west of my former home & 985 metres above sea level in comparison to 46 m elevation at my previous suburb. I didn't have this in my garden when I moved in five years back but I snagged some cuttings while on a walk & now it's settled in very nicely.
    12. welzebub welzebub, 12 months ago
      Oddly, a converging set of circumstances and vases allowed me to attribute this decor to solidly asWelz. It has now been seen in 5 colors, and the name which I have applied to the decor is "Ripple".
    13. IronLace IronLace, 12 months ago
      Many thanks for the update, Craig!

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