Posted 1 year ago
(845 items)
Wooden Canes/Walking Sticks
I love wood objects. Somewhere along the lines I ended up with a small cane collection. These are my newswest acquisitions. The darker cane is made for a taller person woth a 37" height compared to 32" to 34". The one cane is made from a tree limb, looks like they steamed it and bent a handle? Also has a leather cover with lots of dangling leather tassels.
Here's some links to my other Cane/Walking Sticks ...
Should be one more set somewhere..
Nice! I have quite a few canes and walking sticks, too. I started collecting after ACL replacement surgery as I began hiking with a cane to provide support for my knee as I healed, and went crazy from there. No idea how many I have now. A bunch.
Kwqd- I have collected a few now. These were part of a larger lot. I only kept these. There were several newer aluminum canes that we will sell. I gave one to my senior neighbor for a spare. I particularly like the hand made ones.