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US Calvary Sword and or Sabre 1865

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    Posted 1 year ago

    (3474 items)

    This US Calvary saber is marked 1865. This is the type of sword seen in the westerns and were also known for being left on the barracks wall. Not sure if it is the type known as a wrist breaker. The curved blade may seem fearsome battlefield analysis showed that most fatalities were from stab wounds rather than slash wounds. Yes someone had the job of going through battlefields to check that.
    I had trouble reading the other side of the blade but I believe it is Mansfield & Lamb. Forestdale RI. I am now back tracking on the WErist Breaker as it appears they made light cavalry sabers.
    It does have the scabbard. which is quite sturdy and metal.

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    1. jscott0363 jscott0363, 1 year ago
      A very fearsome looking saber!!
    2. elanski elanski, 1 year ago
      Fantastic old sword.
    3. dav2no1 dav2no1, 1 year ago
      Great piece of history! Lucky to have it.
    4. fortapache fortapache, 1 year ago
      Thank you very much Scott.

      Thank you very much elanski.

      Yes it is and thank you Dave.
    5. scottvez scottvez, 1 year ago
      M1860 cavalry saber.

      You are correct— it is the earlier model, the m1840 that is known as the wrist breaker. Once you see them side by side or handle them, you will understand.


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