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Marx Fort Apache Set 3680 Series 1000

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Solved mystery items58 of 11855Small Military Pins and Patch Badge Rings Georgius Agricola Book Plates " De re metallica libri " /German 16th Century/Modern Reproductions or Originals ?
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    Posted 12 months ago

    (3475 items)

    The designer of this set called it the King of the Playsets. I think the key are the interlocking wall pieces allow for more flexibility plus a classic theme. Even Disneyland had a fort like this. I would say this is the classic version but it is a bit earlier and came with a settler's cabin instead of the more typical Cavalry Headquarters.
    The set comes with a small amount of settlers/soldiers and Indians. The settlers and soldiers are the same found in the Alamo set and also used for Boones Boonesborough so it is kind of mix 1770s through 1830. The yellow Indians came with this, I added the butterscotch tribe. It isn't enough defenders to defend the fort but that is OK as there are not enough Indians to attack the fort. But they were sold separately.
    Playsetmania has two more sets to go and then I can combine some sets and it goes on and on.

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    1. jscott0363 jscott0363, 12 months ago
      I remember drooling over sets like this in the Sears Christmas catalog as a kid!!!!
    2. fortapache fortapache, 12 months ago
      Thank you very much Scott!

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