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Miracle Mercurial Mercurochrome Matchbox Monday MB 62 Mercury Cougar 1968

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    Posted 12 months ago

    (3478 items)

    The Mercury Cougar was released in 1968 and sold through 1970. As this box says New Model on the end flap this one is obviously from 1968. In 1969 it was released in a different box and in 1970 turned into a Superfast model. At least this one is the type that would have mag wheels. Well this one is not a Superfast model and is an accurate representation of a Mercury Cougar which was a fancy version of a Ford Mustang although Mercury did not make a fastback version.
    The exciting features are opening doors, a trailer hitch and Auto Steer. In the last photo on the left end of the box it shows the auto steer feature and you can see it on the model itself.
    As usual more to come.

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