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Antique Chinese foo dogs ?

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    Posted 12 months ago

    (2140 items)

    Hello I’ve just rediscovered some old finds & thought I would post this as wondering if I can find anything about them. Think they are foo dogs and antique, these need cleaning as are very dirty.

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    1. apostata apostata, 12 months ago
      cute IMO it is not a 1950 Jingdezhen mould probably 1960 and up. let,s say it is an very affordable mould
    2. Steptoe1 Steptoe1, 12 months ago
      Thanks apostata great help as always, I wondered why I saw some at a high price and others cheap.
    3. apostata apostata, 12 months ago
      well thats, is hard to answer what the reason why the seller is overasking the price and there is no accounting for taste
      imo this type of monocromes are never old , the type of lets call it the pedestal is an exclusion, in my humble opinion

      IMO is every EMBOSSING OR NUMBERING on the bottom a shut out
      like i said there is no acounting for taste, it all depends what mould you are choosing, the button on the back out and the manes have shallow relief

      actually i wonder if the eyers are right , let,s say the ILLNESS of GRAVES right

      if you at the back of the left foo dog it almost looks like a gletser
    4. Steptoe1 Steptoe1, 12 months ago
      Thanks apostata I also didn’t post the bottom and the other side but have now. I think I will clean these up

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