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Unknown manufacturer and year.

All items3560 of 245527Native American purse?Water Witch Civil War
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    Posted 10 months ago

    (6 items)

    Don't have any idea who made this or what year it was made. It's 10" long x 4" wide. The body is pressed steel and the seats, man and tire rims are cast Iron. 2 of the wheels still have some left over rubber attached to the cast rim. Looks like it's missing a steering column and steering wheel.

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    1. Lata Lata, 10 months ago
      Nice one! does it have a windup mechanism in the bottom? looks like a Wilkins, probably made around 1910/20
    2. sgaugeandy, 10 months ago
      I was told today it was more than likely a Kingsburry or a Wilkins . By the wind up mechanism he believes its a Kingsburry.
    3. Lata Lata, 10 months ago
      i found a similar one, check this:
    4. sgaugeandy, 10 months ago
      Wow, that is nice! Much better shape than mine for sure.

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