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DD40AX Locomotive HO Scale

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    Posted 11 months ago

    (3474 items)

    Picked this up today. It is missing the rails and couplers but it is such a cool locomotive I had to get it. I think the maker is Athearn but I am not sure.
    The DD40AX was made from 1969 through 1971 and exclusively for Union Pacific. It was the largest and most powerful diesel locomotive ever built. It had 6600 HP and a pair of 4 axle trucks.
    As you can see it is huge. There are two locomotives in front of it and in the last photo one in front of it.
    The locomotive was not successful but some features are still on modern locomotives. especially the cab design. Every modern mainline locomotive has that cab design. They are a bit more aero dynamic.
    There is an example of of one of these at the Rail Giants museum in Pomona. I'll make a post of it sometime if I haven't already.

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    1. BHIFOS BHIFOS, 11 months ago
      Are you sure it's Athearn? I posted my one on the below and it has a narrow nose.
      also yours has the flashing safety light on the cab and the sand boxes, sure it isn't a Bachman?
    2. DejaVu2 DejaVu2, 11 months ago
      Awesome Engine!
    3. fortapache fortapache, 11 months ago
      Thank you very much BHIFOS. I think it is Bachman. I saw some others that say Athearn but they may be misidentified.

      And thank you very much DejaVu2.

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