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American Carved "Bellamy" wood Eagle Folk ARt?

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    Posted 11 months ago

    (39 items)

    I've had this craved wooden American I think "Bellamy" eagle that was bought at a estate sale. Looks to have bits of old gold color in spots on it. Unsure if it is authentic and no idea of the age or made to look older than it is. Think it is hand carved. Wondering if any of the Collectors Weekly folks are familiar with the eagle or how to date more. Appreciate any information or input. Thanks much.

    Mystery Solved


    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 11 months ago
      I have an original dated in a book as 1815 or so. My eagle has its mouth open whereas this one looks somewhat open. The biggest difference I have found is the neck ususally comes out at least 2 inches from the frame. My piece is a convex mirror, so I am not aware of what this is for. I know a lot of convex mirrors with eagles were manufactured during the 1940`s and I have had one of those also, where the eagle did not have much depth.
    2. dav2no1 dav2no1, 11 months ago
      The details are just not there, even for a Bellamy copy.
    3. lambertkh lambertkh, 10 months ago
      Thanks for your insight PhillDMorris & davno1 - It is certainly not a real Bellamy but I think in the Bellamy style. I do enjoy it as folk art and likely does not any real age - 30/40 into the 60s? Great information and the videos were helpful. Will mark as solved. Best
    4. dav2no1 dav2no1, 10 months ago
      I wish I could find the antiques roadshow clip..they explained how a company started reproducing his work because they were so popular. Still a nice decoration piece..

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