Posted 10 months ago
(384 items)
I found this recently at DIXIE gas in Tennessee. I have been after one locally for years but guy wouldn’t budge. When I saw it I figured it was already sold but to my surprise it wasn’t. Another one off the wish list. Happy Hunting friends.
Great find Trey a nice Happy Birthday to me(Trey) present right ? Lots of tornado's in Tenn good it wasn't damaged before you found it .
Beautiful piece, they so rarely come up for sale, and even in some of the best pristine gas collectible collections I never see one !
Thank YOU for the love Many:) Happy Birthday !!!
I still have the GULF sign you found for me :)
Thank YOU for the love and nice comment PhilDMorris:) I have only seen one other in person. I have seen 2 more only in photos.