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Bachmann Union Pacific GP40 Diesel Locomotive HO Scale

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    Posted 10 months ago

    (3472 items)

    I spent last night setting this up. It is a Union Pacific train yard. All to display my GP40 locomotive. GP stands for General Purpose and these are also called Road Switchers. GP40s were built from 1965-1971. They had a 3000 HP diesel engine which is powerful for a road switcher. So this was more road than switcher. I have it hooked up to a GP9. All the locomotives here are from 1950s with period correct rolling stock. The newest locomotives lead the trains while older locomotives work in the yard.
    Not much of description for the time I spent setting this up. Maybe I will expand it a bit for another post.

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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 10 months ago
      Simply wonderful, fantastic display. The addition of the John Deere tractors add to the joy this would bring !~
    2. fortapache fortapache, 10 months ago
      Thank you very much Phil! Looks like I will need a new improved version.
    3. RVolskay RVolskay, 10 months ago
      Bachmann ended up making three “versions” of this loco. The earliest had a pretty heavy chassis, and 8 wheel drive. They had issues with the quality of the metal, used in the casting. Next came a 4 wheel drive model, using a plastic chassis. Not as good a pulled. The third went backs to a metal chassis, of different design, and 8 wheel drive, again. All were terrific runners. I had one that had been stored in a garage, for at least 20 years. I put it on the track, and away it went! Love those old Bachmanns!

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