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HO Scale Autos For Scenery plus a GP9

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kev123's loves916 of 2536Lötz: Ausführung 227/228, 1925Confederate Civil War Lemat Revolver Shotgun Combo Replica
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    Posted 9 months ago

    (3472 items)

    These are cars used for scenery in an HO scale train layout. They should be 1/87 scale but they look a bit smaller. The first two cars are the scenery cars. These cars are the fancy one with a base underneath. Check out those fins.
    The second pair of cars go with the car carrier. Mine was missing a few cars so it is all good now. Only to make a proper train there should be several car carriers. None of that HO train set all with different cars.
    The GP9 is in the background. Everyone loves a high hood unit.

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    1. Lata Lata, 9 months ago
      Nice ones Fortapache! do you know the maker?
    2. fortapache fortapache, 9 months ago
      Thank you very much Lata. The first two I don't know. The second batch is Bachmann.
    3. Lata Lata, 9 months ago
      Thank you for the feedback, the GP9 is awesome!

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