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Memorial Mini-Moving Matchbox Monday MB17-A Bedford Removals Van In B Box 1957

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vcal's loves2197 of 207721970 no mint error quarterG.M. BEIJER - SWEDEN
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    Posted 9 months ago

    (3472 items)

    Plus special guest Athearn SW7 locomotive.
    I have posted the the A & B versions of this model earlier but this time I have the box. Dating this model is easy as it was only released in green in 1957, the B version was green through its 3 year run.
    The box here is the B style box. As there is nothing on the end flap it is the B1 box. As time went on more information was placed on the end cap. The box style names are purely a collector thing. Lesney never had a name for the various box styles. These early boxes are hard to find, most boxes are either E or F styles. Don't tell anyone but the artwork on the early boxes isn't great. Doesn't really get good until the D style boxes but is great to find an early box in the wild.

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