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An 11 tube GE console restored.

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    Posted 9 months ago

    (95 items)

    This is a General Electric console model A 108. I picked it up from a couple who were moving and didn't have room for it.
    The cabinet had to be restored, but it was all there and solid. The knobs and grill cloth are original.
    I changed the capacitors, cleaned the controls and aligned the radio.. It has a very good set up and the sound is real good.

    It has seven electrolytic caps and most radios have about three.
    It has 11 tubes, and three bands.
    I had to put in a new 6E5 eye tube. The speaker weighs about 25 pounds.
    The cabinet is quite different with the curved front,but very pleasing.
    This is another one that will last another 75 years
    Enjoy the photos Dan

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