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Mighty Mego Machine Matchbox Monday K-16 Dodge Tractor with Fruehauf Tippers 1966-1970

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    Posted 9 months ago

    (3472 items)

    This one is a foot of fun and 26 wheels. I bought this just as a donor for the wheels but it is so nice I think I will put it in the collection. I do have another near mint example I posted in the long long ago.
    The model was first sold in 1966 although it was in the 1965 catalog as a Major Pack but it wasn't sold that year. In 1971 it got turned into a Super Fast in different colors.
    The tractor is well detailed with twin air filters, air horns and a tall exhaust. Both tippers tip and the rear one comes off for your tipping pleasure.
    Hopefully I can find the one I had planned to post by next week or it will be Matchboxless Monday.

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