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Czech VZ-58 Knife/Bayonet 1958-1984

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    Posted 8 months ago

    (3474 items)

    This bayonet was made for the Czech VZ. 58 rifle. It looked like an AK-47 but different internally, how I don't know but it did. It has been replaced but is still in service which I guess means kind of replaced.
    Looks to be about an 6" blade which has been the standard since the 1950s. These bayonets are used mostly as tools so no real reason to carry a small sword around. Plus the long blades were not all that helpful in combat as they could be a bit clumsy.
    Note the scabbard is angled which may work well but it isn't going to hang on the belt like it is supposed to.. If something is supposed hang at a certain angle it better. But this doesn't do that. It wants to hang straight down so it ends up somewhere in-between.
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    1. kwqd kwqd, 8 months ago
      Nice. My Dad was a truck driver and one rainy night in the 1960s, he pulled his truck over to the shoulder to check his tires. While doing so, he kicked something that turned out to be a bayonet for an M38 Carcano rifle. Someone had put it in its metal sheath backwards getting it pretty jammed up. He gave it to me and I got it out of the sheath and cleaned up. I looked it up the other day and that old bayonet sells for about $400 now. Apparently every rare for some reason. Most Carcanos have a built in bayonet like an SKS. Maybe more rare than a Finn Mosin bayonet.
    2. dav2no1 dav2no1, 7 months ago
      Here's a link with some good info..
    3. fortapache fortapache, 7 months ago
      Thank you very much kwqd. A great free find. I would like a Finish Mosin too.

      Thank you very much Dave. Very informative.
    4. kwqd kwqd, 7 months ago
      Prices are getting crazy on Finn Mosins, but if you bid your time and shop around, you can still pick up a nice M39 for a reasonable price. Reasonable is $500-$700...... Still way cheaper than a new Marlin 336......

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