Posted 7 months ago
(199 items)
Found detecting, not printers plate, there's a person or figure in every window, people on streets, figures on building, not sure, think it was a tray or platter, may be souvemeir piece, lettering on it says build, so it must be building, half lettering gone.Will try to clean better
mrcolorz, Very Cool. :-)
I agree, given the shape seen in your fourth picture, that it might have been a tray.
Good luck in trying to clean it a bit. Hopefully, you'll be able to make out the lettering to the left of "BUILD."
Think apostate may be right, but don't know age, looks like pot metal
actually i try to find by it means of historic maps of Athen , can,t find it , i thought it was a part of the dionyses theater and tried the libriary of celcus Efeze but the backgrounds are wrong
i thought if we find the scene we could find the release
That's ok thanks for your help, think it's a souvenir and I'll just dismiss it as junk
mrcolorz, It might well turn out to be junk, but if it is, it's intriguing junk. };-)