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Bohemian Art Nouveau green iridescent glass rose bowl with metal flower holder

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    Posted 7 months ago

    (948 items)

    This was my other buy at the fair on Sunday, a classy piece of Art Nouveau glass complete with metal flower holder intact.
    The vase is made from green glass with an intense iridescent finish. Shape is a simple squat rounded form with a longish neck to accommodate the metal flower holder, which in this case is rather unusual. Look at the close up shots & you'll see what I mean - between the swags there is a demonic looking mythological figure, with horns & a menacing countenance. Very cool!
    It measures 10 cm tall, 8.5 cm across the top rim, & 6.5 cm across the base.
    Most likely Bohemian origin, circa 1900.

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    1. BHIFOS BHIFOS, 7 months ago
      Great find, thankfully that wonderful frog missed a date with the scrap metal dealer. There is also extra detail in the top grill and it''s nice how it goes all the way down to where the vase expands out.
    2. IronLace IronLace, 7 months ago
      Many thanks, Bernard!
      Yes, this one got lucky...maybe that demon helped to keep it safe... :-)

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