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Chinese 19th Century Guangxu Era Famille Rose Wanshou Wujiang Bowl

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    Posted 7 months ago

    (189 items)

    Cool little find today. Guangxu era late Qing dynasty Famille Rose porcelain bowl. This bowl has the copy Qianlong red marking from approximately 1875-1908. Blue dominant color with a yellow border. Floral designs throughout. Inside the bowl are five bats (Fu Wu). Wanshou Wujiang Imperial birthday wish message in circles. Very nicely done piece! And excellent coloring. Came with a wooden stand which could be original to the piece. Bowl measures 6 1/2” rim diameter and stands at 3” tall.

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    1. apostata apostata, 7 months ago
      very much later - thumbs up
    2. krysciobrad krysciobrad, 7 months ago
      You thinking late 20th century or late guangxu?
    3. apostata apostata, 7 months ago
      Antique 19/20th c Chinese Porcelain Guangxu Marked Plate Qing or Republic Period
      Out of stock

      C en C auctions - Sangri- famous Dutch experts in Tanqi porcelain , ( the smaller plate with the longevity

      just to show the difference of quality ( they are skilled but i got mij doubts)

      Actually they boy are BAO Xiangi HUA lotus scrolls
      Sangria plate got nuances in the blue tonality and the is more brighter , and the voight beteen ( the scrolls is smaller ( called Hiatus) they probably overlooked because it was a hell of a piece and did 1 believe 60 dollars FORCOMPARISION !!!
    4. apostata apostata, 7 months ago
      well you are a natural talent because it is a Wanshou Wujiang Imperial birthday wish message in circles

      thats always ,always a plus, celebrating started in the SONG -Period i believe , not thats for the locals, because the population was almost completely rural

      about 1522 we got a not so funny intermezzo because became obsessed with death and the celebration was probably mandatory for the unhappy few

      Emporer Kangzi used the psychological principle of the radiating fame, and surrounded himself with the so called GREYBEARDS, ( older then 60 i believe)

      i believe a bonus voor the date 60-70-80 jaers, well that won,t help much , because only noone got thats , ( Dowager were also in the bonus i believe . so the fixed date of Dowager CIXI , seemed to be a total blast
    5. apostata apostata, 7 months ago
      the symbols in the roundals are the known Wan Shou Wu Jiang (Endless longevity

      very known ( although idiomatic difficult- principle of double emphasizing )

      actually THE SERIE Starttrack , that,s it namely LIVE LONG AN PRSOSPER ZIE SPOCK
    6. krysciobrad krysciobrad, 7 months ago
      Thanks Apostata, I try to do as much research as I can. I always appreciate second opinions. I just gotta figure out the KPM and Meissen in the previous sections.
    7. apostata apostata, 7 months ago
      INTERMEZZO VERY MUCH LATER , i mean myzelf
      you never get accetly date it, THE MOST IMPORT THING THIS IS HONEST

      the bats make sense , the more bourgondy red , the mark is not the real ferro red , so i don,t know the reason for that. IMPORTTANT IS THE BLEECHENESS also very bleecheness AND SEASONINGOF THE COLOURS

      indication is ( the personal meaning above the the dark red ring

      Actually i am not downgrading although i got possible a bit more expensive taste

      It is still rather nice THE PERCEPTION OF THE EYE IS A PLETHORA OF COBALT, so actually who gives a f,,,( i bought a chenguae value 39$ MINYAO

      i think you should be very and proud of your selve

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