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Safari Ltd Zuul, Destroyer of Shins Anylosaurid

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    Posted 6 months ago

    (3474 items)

    Yes Zuul is named after named after the demon dog from Ghostbusters. The head shape being similar. Zuul is a type of Ankylosaurid or Ankylosaur. Zuul was a very complete skeleton plus skin imprints.. All the bony knobs were also in place so now we have an excellent idea of how these creatures looked.
    Zuul was about 20 feet long and weighed about 3 tons.
    PS the Breaker of Shins art was added by a museum employe.

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    1. keramikos, 6 months ago
      fortapache, Cool. :-)
    2. fortapache fortapache, 6 months ago
      Thank you very much keramikos. Interesting article. I can use that for further research.

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