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Bohemian/Czech mauve & purple marbled cased glass candlestick with enamel details

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    Posted 5 months ago

    (949 items)

    Here is a really cool find I made today at a flea market for just $5! It reminds me of the good old days, when bargains were easy to score...
    This is an unusual tall candlestick, made from two layers of cased glass, clear over a mauve & purple marbled decor. There is orange enamel trim to the top rim & base (half worn off on that). It measures 21.4 cm tall, 7 cm across the top rim, & 9 cm across the base. No pontil mark in evidence.
    I feel that this is probably a fairly rare colour, & I haven't seen anything quite like it. Have had a couple of pink marbled/streaky decor items in the past, but definitely no mauve/purple. The orange enamel details make the mauve stand out even's a bold choice!
    In real life the colour is much more intense, it was hard to photograph. Funnily enough I've encountered that same problem before with another mauve vase...
    I think most likely Bohemian/Czech origin, early 1900s - 1920s era.

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    1. Loetzforever Loetzforever, 5 months ago
      Hello Ironlace,
      it doesn't always have to be Bohemian. The way it is made may also suggest the Regenhütte in Bavaria. This also produced marbled glass with enamel details. Jean Beck had his designs made in marbled glass in pink, purple and yellow in this hut. His pieces of this style were always iridescent. The shape of your candlestick is not a Beck design, however. See Christiane Sellner "Glass Art Nouveau from Bavaria"
    2. IronLace IronLace, 5 months ago
      Many thanks, Loetzforever, that's really interesting to know...I'll do some research in that area...

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