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Coronet record player

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    Posted 5 months ago

    (171 items)

    Picked this record player up this weekend does anybody know its age and the history of this company thank you

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    1. John2Nhoj John2Nhoj, 5 months ago
      Since it has the second speaker for stereophonic sound, my guess would be 1950s. Before then, there were no stereophonic records. In the 1970s the suitcase style record players had two detachable speakers and the turntable part folded into the case.

      The only info I could find on Coronet brand record players is this video...,vid:z5CdQlm6tTY,st:0

      Says they were manufactured in Germany.
    2. John2Nhoj John2Nhoj, 5 months ago
      Forgot to add; I know the one in the video is much older, but further into the video one can see the crown logo Coronet used.
    3. keramikos, 5 months ago
      dgirardin, I'd say that John2Nhoj is on the right track with vintage.

      What I got when I started looking for Coronet record players was a lot of "webcor" hits, so perhaps that's the maker.

      The radio museum has a lot of information about Webcor:

      They also have a list of a lot of Webcor turntables, starting in the 1930s through the 1950s:

      However, all of those seem to have tubes, and yours says "Solid State" inside the cver, so perhaps it was made by the 1967 or later follow on company Webcor Electronics:

      More about Webcor:

      I spy some writing in the left hand inside corner of the cover, so perhaps there's a model number in there?
    4. dgirardin dgirardin, 5 months ago
      Thank you for the all the info. I have placed a new picture with the model number if that would help
    5. keramikos, 5 months ago
      dgirardin, Hmmm.

      Using Cornet 263-C as search criteria produced a hit, which I initially thought was the very twin of your portable record player, but upon closer examination, I realized that it's not a twin, but rather the same one.

      That is, the pictures are essentially the same (the one of the model number in your post has been cropped):

      There was also an eBay listing (now defunct) for the same item (

      Anyway, a search of radiomuseum dot org produced only one possible hit, which looks like a German periodical from September 1978:

      One would need an account to look at the PDF files, and I personally don't have one. However, there is a link on that page to see a list of the models documented in the periodical:

      Maybe I'm not holding my mouth right, but I wasn't able to find Cornet/Coronet 263-C in that list.

      However, it is interesting that the periodical is German.

      Here's a direct link for that that video John2Nhoj wrote about the other day:

      Coronet Portable phonograph made in Germany

      I did find one other Cornet/Coronet portable suitcase style record player with the same logo inside the cover (a different model, however):

      The owner/OP seems to think it was of mid to late 1960s vintage. No provenance, unfortunately.
    6. dgirardin dgirardin, 4 months ago
      Thank u very much you guys are awesome

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