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21st Century Toys Ultimate Soldier Mig-15bis 1/18

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    Posted 3 months ago

    (3472 items)

    I have had excellent luck with these large scale Ultimate Soldier planes of late. Found this one hanging on the wall of an antique mall. Much less than online prices.
    The Mig 15 is famed for the Korean War and later on in the Cold War. Photo @2 shows the armament which was 2 23mm cannon and a 37mm cannon. As I was reading up on this I noted it was designed to shoot down enemy bombers which seems to me to be obvious. You wouldn't want to shoot down your own bombers or just random planes. Didn't work so well at shooting down other fighters due to the low rate of fire but no one is perfect. I saw a Mig 17 at an airshow recently and it was awesome. The pilot was flying it on the deck and it was like oh yeah.
    More photos to come. In the meantime, see photo #4 for scale.

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    1. elanski elanski, 3 months ago
      It is great and thanks for the cat
    2. fortapache fortapache, 3 months ago
      Thank you very much elanski and Mr Jingles thanks you.

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