Posted 2 months ago
(24 items)
This is a Koi vase with a textured area in the portions without the painting. The textured is smoothed out a bit above the painting of the fish and more defined on the side. To my eye, I see an Iron Oxide ring around the foot rim that could indicate age. Any information about this style of vase would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, and thanks for taking a look!
Beautiful koi fish design
well i can,t state anything usefull here bij lack of my technical skill, we are probably making a sort of paradigma fallacy, well we got iron oxide exposure and even different iron oxide exposure , because the flatness of the bottom make the exposure shifts
but i think THE SPREAD of the ferro oxidation exposure is rather wide, something like 50-60 years , i thought liu kelley wrote sometjing about is
as far as i can see ( which is little) it is honest work , it does,not look a decal to me, and the fuidum of the possible stroking is lookd quite thin to me, which is not so common i think in early republic period
IMO it is something like late 1950 ties, that,s all i can do , its more logical at least as some type of common denominator
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the piece apostata. It is always appreciated.