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Weapons Wednesday Vietnam War Era BOC M7 Bayonet

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    Posted 1 month ago

    (3474 items)

    OK it isn't Wednesday but I like my alliteration. Like the title says this is a Vietnam War era M7 bayonet. It was made by BOC, the marking upside down can be seen in photo #4. Please excuse that there is some paint and a bit of corrosion on it but the blade is in excellent shape. The M8A1 sheath does have a bit of rust on it but these are fairly common. This same sheath was used for the M1 Carbine in WWII, M1 Garand in Korea and M14 after. In Vietnam it was used for the M16.
    Many copies are made of the M7 bayonet generally with no manufacturer name on them. A proper M7 bayonet is made with exacting military standards. An authentic one will fit on a Mossberg 590 shotgun as seen in the first photo. So just carry the Mossberg 590 when looking for an authentic M7 bayonet.

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    1. Drake47 Drake47, 1 month ago
      Cool bayonet
    2. Tilted, 1 month ago
      Thanks for posting this.
    3. dav2no1 dav2no1, 1 month ago
      Nice write up..
    4. jscott0363 jscott0363, 1 month ago
      Very cool!!
    5. fortapache fortapache, 1 month ago
      Thank you very much Drake.

      Thank you Tilted.

      Thank you very much Dave.

      And thank you very much Scott.

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