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Loetz Internally Decorated Vases (pair), a newly discovered decoration using a patented technique, ca. 1936

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EZa's loves8 of 3467Bohemian Art Nouveau Secessionist green vase with gilded decoration - Riedel?Lötz: "Olympia" Perfume bottle before 1900
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    Posted 2 months ago

    (649 items)

    Here is a most unusual pair of vases made by Loetz, ca. 1936, found at auction. I've never seen this particular decorative pattern before, but it is made using the same technique as the patented "Campanula" decor. Interestingly, the name Campanula does not appear in the published pattern books, but Loetz Bohemian Glass 1880-1940 (Cantz) references the Loetz patent for Campanula: "The Campanula decoration was registered as patent no. P 2156 in 1936. The decoration was identified by the description of the manufacturing technique: '...a completely new technique in making the glass, in which the decoration was transferred to the glass interior" (Lötz I, 1989, p.352). The name Campanula (Latin" bellflower) also supports this." To cement the attribution of this new decoration, the last photo shows a Campanula vase with interior silver iridescence in the same shape as these two vases.

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    1. Sammyz Sammyz, 2 months ago
      Wow, those are beautiful! Great find!
    2. apostata apostata, 1 month ago
      is this the same implementation as the Candia there no registration of a timeline ?
    3. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 1 month ago
      1930s is the timeline

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