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From the first the Bell rang and man picked up the receiver

Vynil33rpm's items24 of 3684Back up ,,put that flame Out big fella Grandpa they’ve come to steal our magnetic ink
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    Posted 28 days ago

    (3684 items)

    Turn the corner ,I didn’t realize it was four right Turns and
    he called it around the block
    So how did I end up in socks
    Well son ,he said ,when he took your
    Shoe he also took you soul
    It cost everything and
    we’re back where we started
    Do we really know who’s on the other end


    1. Toyrebel2 Toyrebel2, 28 days ago
      That looks like Reddy Kilowatt before he got electrocuted.
    2. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 21 days ago
      That’s funny toyreb

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