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Back up ,,put that flame Out big fella

Vynil33rpm's items23 of 3684C ment ,He ment We ment and what it is From the first the Bell rang and man picked up the receiver
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    Posted 24 days ago

    (3684 items)

    The bus stoped three times during the night ,to
    pick up two passengers ,when I woke up
    no one was there,,only the old man
    with a stare , he reached out his hand
    but even it wasn’t there only a new man


    1. Tilted, 24 days ago
      Nice old display and lighters.
    2. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 21 days ago
      Thanks tilted for the comment
    3. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 19 days ago
      Also thanks to everyone else

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