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GI Joe 40th Anniversary Paratrooper 2004

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    Posted 26 days ago

    (3480 items)

    The 40th Anniversary was the biggest reissue of GI Joe sets. I believe there are 25 sets that were all faithful reproductions of the originals. They are not 100% reproductions but good enough for collectors in the GI Joe groups to ask "how do I tell the difference?".
    Now for a quick history of the actual Marine Paratroopers. In WWII there were 5,000 of them and they were used in one operation and then dispended. The Marines did not have the proper aircraft. I think the widespread use of paratroops ended after WWII. Since then it was helicopter insertions. Currently if a marine wants to be a Paratrooper they are trained by the US Army. Thus there is almost no such thing as a Marine Paratrooper.
    In the meantime this is a great set with smore useful accessories. You get the M1 Carbine, Knife and scabbord, grenades, first aid pouch, canteen and belt. That and the parachute pack. And you could always but him in an army uniform if you like.

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    1. rgrebov rgrebov, 26 days ago
      great Marine Joe
    2. jscott0363 jscott0363, 26 days ago
      Definitely a great one! I gave my sons a reissue of the original GI Joe when they brought them back out several years back. I found one of them in a box of their things in the attic the other day.

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