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Amphora Wasp Vase

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European Art Pottery2005 of 2115Rosenthal Crackle finish vaseAntique ceramic kittens
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (48 items)

    Amphora Wasp Vase
    Bohemia, circa 1895
    10" high

    This is my favorite wasp vase. In my estimation, the spiral handles and reticulated mouth set this one apart from others by Amphora. Art Nouveau in high nature gear!

    You can see two other wasp examples in the dramatic Amphora video on YouTube: (or search for "Amphora Pottery"). There is also an Amphora Facebook page at with many photos and information about this pottery.

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      Thanks for sharing this beautiful pot! Love Amphora!
    2. Bruce99 Bruce99, 13 years ago
      Thank you for providing a window into such an eye-opening, expansive world of beautiful art with exquisite techniques.
    3. cogito cogito, 13 years ago
      Agreed. This wasp is a cut above!
    4. Budek Budek, 13 years ago
      I can't believe how beautiful your items are, what an inspiration!
    5. moonmooring moonmooring, 13 years ago
      This is a beautiful amphora. It took me a while to realize it is a wasp in the design. But of course I own my wasp amphora by accident! and didn't realize what I had on my hands! Nice collection!
    6. AmphoraPottery AmphoraPottery, 13 years ago
      I realized that my previous photo was the back side, which doesn't have as much gold application. Now you can see the front in all its glory.
    7. glenfield135, 13 years ago
      Nice piece of pottery. I have one very simular but it has dragon flies instead of wasps. May i ask have you had your's valued??
    8. Stillwater Stillwater, 13 years ago
      Oh GAWD............
    9. AmphoraPottery AmphoraPottery, 13 years ago
      Hello glenfield,
      I picked this up via an auction house so you could say I paid fair market value. I'd be happy to discuss the value of Amphora wasp vases by email. Please send me a note at
    10. glenfield135, 13 years ago
      Many thanks for your reply, I have tried to e mail you but it has been returned. Can you try to e mail me so that i can use your's to reply please.
    11. AmphoraPottery AmphoraPottery, 13 years ago
      Hi Susan,
      Maybe you included a period at the end of the address (after the .com). Please try again -- -- and let's see if it works. I get messages from Europe so I don't know why yours would not be accepted. If this doesn't work maybe we can use Facebook. I administer the Amphora Facebook page so you can send me a message that way: Pardon me for being cautious but I'd rather you try to contact me first.
    12. AmphoraPottery AmphoraPottery, 12 years ago
      I added a close-up of a wasp. Look at the artistic application of gold. That is one of the reasons Amphora is in the ceramics hall of fame.
    13. NativeJewelerylovers NativeJewelerylovers, 12 years ago
    14. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      ~ W ~ O ~ W ~
      Love it!!
    15. jscott0363 jscott0363, 10 years ago
    16. Truthisanarrow08 Truthisanarrow08, 10 years ago
      Very Nice......Eye Poppin.......

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