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Rosewood Credenza from Sweden

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Recent Activity3 of 334Danish Modern ChairsSTELTON STAINLESS STEEL BOWL
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    Posted 15 years ago

    (4 items)

    This came from a private estate sale, that was not advertised well. I went early to go sign up on the list to come back when they opened. I saw a few people already shopping and asked if I could come in, they said sure. I always start in the basement and work my way up, and as soon as I got into the main room, I saw this in the corner, no price. A worker came downstairs soon after I did, and I asked how much it was since there was no price on it. She slapped a $60 price tag on it, which I removed immediately as I said "I'll take it" - got many, many more goodies at that sale but this was the real gem.

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    1. Belltown Belltown, 15 years ago
      Great story, congrats!
    2. badrabbitgirl badrabbitgirl, 15 years ago
      Beautiful piece, unbelievable price!
    3. Erin, 14 years ago
      Wow, that's incredible. That's exactly the kind of piece I'm looking for... Wow! Any advice on how to weed through which sales to attend in order to find a treasure like this? Did the ad mention there were mid century modern Danish furniture pieces or was it a complete surprise? Congrats!
    4. Marquisdupre, 14 years ago
      It was totally random that I came across this in the sale, was run by the family and they didn't know what they had. In Portland, there seems to be estate sales run by groups and they know what Danish modern is, so every dealer in town goes. I usually stick to ones that don't advertise as much, but then you can spend the day going to sales that are just garbage. You can, however, stumble across the gems as I did, but these rarely happen. Good luck!
    5. packrat-place packrat-place, 13 years ago
      What a great deal, beautiful piece!

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