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1908 Indian Board Track Racer-Original

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (9 items)

    This RARE American MACHINE is a 1908 Indian Board Tracker
    no brakes,no clutch,these riders were crazy back then,....this machine would do 60-100 MPH

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    1. Vontrike Vontrike, 14 years ago
      A beautiful machine. That would be in my living room.
    2. lawat56 lawat56, 14 years ago
      great piece of history,very very cool,thanks for sharing lawat56
    3. t61sslr, 14 years ago
      WOW I just love the looks of that style a M/C! Post more picts, I can ever see enough
    4. obmac obmac, 13 years ago
      very rare & very cool. love to own it.
    5. thisoldwatch thisoldwatch, 13 years ago
      That bike is beyond cool !!!!! and worth a small fortune.
    6. musikchoo musikchoo, 13 years ago
      I Love the Bike, but I think anyone would have to have a few screws loose to go THAT FAST!!!! I might get up to 10 or 12---- MAYBE!!
    7. hotairfan hotairfan, 9 years ago
      Rarely do you even see a beautiful piece of history such as this. Lets hope that it stays in the U.S.A. and not sold to a wealthy foreigner, where we might never see it again.
    8. Rattletrap Rattletrap, 7 years ago
      What an awesome cool machine! Gotta love the guts of the guys that rode these bikes at those speeds!
    9. tim-tim tim-tim, 6 years ago
      Fantastic, It is so difficult to describe how GOOD I feel just looking at a piece of machinery like that. It's a treasure that someone designed and developed to do a job, go fast and compete against other machines. Safety may not have been at the top of the list of requirements for this machine but that adds to the desirability.

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