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UPDATE: POSITIVELY PRICELESS (to us) -1971 Roadrunner w/440

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (10 items)

    My late husband left me his 1971 Roadrunner. This is how it looks now. it's just sitting out in our morton building. it's got a 440 in it and 2 holley dubble pumpers (I think that is what they are called) in it. Awesome car that was tested to have 650 HPR. needs a new starter, cuz the gas guage is off and when it says it has 3/4 of a tank left... it is really on empty.. so we accidently burnt up the starter. It's gonna be on the road again this spring tho... any idea of what this is worth? for insurance only... I would never sell it. Thanks for any info! oh yeah, it gets 8 miles to the gallon IF you don't really get on it. I'm too afraid of it to really open it up tho, scares the poop out of me! :-) Sharon
    ps; there is NO mopar section to list this.....UPDATE: ROADRUNNER IS AT Danny Koker's shop. His shop is Count's Kustomes out in Vegas. It is gonna be on Counting Cars

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    1. mysharona mysharona, 14 years ago
      I've had a few of my pics show up as just x. ? but when u click on the x the pictures DO show up. what am I doing wrong? I'm a newbie :-( Thanks Sharon
    2. YardSaleDave, 14 years ago
      It just takes a little time for the photos to load. I had the same thing happen to me.
    3. mysharona mysharona, 14 years ago
      Thanks yardsaledave! I'll check back and check on the other pics 2 see if they are showing yet. Sharon
    4. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 14 years ago
    5. NeikoKc, 14 years ago
      you got a gold mine in blue just to let you know...if its a #s matching in motor,trans,rearaxel, it could be upper 10s, like 80 t0 9o grand. if you dont belive me check out the Barret-Jackson Auctions on the speed channel! looks like he built it up for more dragracing. i would say that low ball around i think it should have it insured for at least 50+. Talk to a insurer that covers classic cars like Hagerty. your normal insurance company wont cover it for its true value but what the property tax value says.
      i love the color and set up..he did a hell of a job building it and makes me smile that you are going to keep it!
    6. DMK678 DMK678, 14 years ago
      Great car!..... "scares the poop out of me!" Ha! Two classics in one.
      Thanks for sharing.
    7. Vestaswind Vestaswind, 14 years ago
      Barrett Jackson is the place where you dream of taking a car and selling. Well some. My husband dreams of going there to buy. There is tons to be considered before saying that much. Cars that end up at Barretts are mint, original parts need to be verified, excellent clean engines, perfect body and that is not a GTX. Now I can see insuring it for 20-30 thousand.
    8. Vestaswind Vestaswind, 14 years ago
      I found some on line to give you some idea. Love the 50's on the car BTW she seems really sweet.
    9. Trenchartman Trenchartman, 14 years ago
      That is a great looking car. What else is there to say.

    10. mysharona mysharona, 14 years ago
      Thanks for the info & the comments NeikoKc! made my day
    11. Chapeldreamer Chapeldreamer, 14 years ago
      That is one bad piece of machinery! Hold onto that baby and every memory you have of your late husband, may he rest in piece.
    12. morpar athority, 14 years ago
      15,000- 19,000 ...NeikoKc doesn't have a clue.
    13. mysharona mysharona, 14 years ago
      Thanks DMK678 :-)
    14. hotrodpaully, 14 years ago
      Hmmm u don't know what worth and it doesn't run i give u junk price for it no wait minute i cut u a deal hows $500 cash sound ???

      Lmao no you got a excellent car there

      But please do me a favor keep in garage and get a a high quality car cover for it it you dont have one (but take it out drive and enjoy it once and awhile
    15. mysharona mysharona, 14 years ago
      Thanks Vestaswind, I'm hooked on watching Barrett Jackson also. but this is a keeper. not selling. thanks for the info for insurance tho!
    16. Vestaswind Vestaswind, 14 years ago
      Have you found a good insurance company that does the special insurance for collectable (or historic) cars? Regular insurace only does the blue book
    17. Vestaswind Vestaswind, 14 years ago
      I swear I can spell, I just need to slow my typing down!
    18. mysharona mysharona, 14 years ago
      Thanks for the comment Trenchartman!
    19. mysharona mysharona, 14 years ago
      Chapeldreamer - Thanks so much for the comment... I WILL hang on to it.. it would be the last thing I sold and only IF I HAD to. I'll pass it on to my kids and I hope it stays in the family.
    20. mysharona mysharona, 14 years ago
      thanks mopar athority, I only have it covered for $12,000 cuz I had no clue. guess I'd better up it a bit. but it's not going anywhere! thanks again! Sharon
    21. mysharona mysharona, 14 years ago
      Hotrodpaully - LOL! it does have a car cover... not sure how good of one, but it's made for the car. my late husband bought it and I have no idea about the cover. but I do plan on driving it this spring. that big engine does NOT like hot weather tho... so spring is my game plan. thanks again for the comment. Sharon
    22. mysharona mysharona, 14 years ago
      Vestawind- I do have a special policy for it.. tho, I'm not sure it's the best plan. I only have it covered for 12 grand. I'll need to check that out. Thanks :-)
    23. mysharona mysharona, 14 years ago
      Newbie question: can you leave your posting and change some of the pictures? Like, delete a pic and replace it with a new one. ?
    24. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 14 years ago
      Absolutely, as often as you like. You know that the first picture you put up is the one everybody sees. To see the other ones they have to click the first one. So the first one is the most important, make it your best!
    25. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 14 years ago
      Hit the "edit" button. Then delete any or all of the pictures and replace.
    26. dmk678, 14 years ago
      Good question
      Tried to delete a whole listing. Wouldn't let me. Any info.
      Thanks for sharing. Ha! :)
    27. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 14 years ago
      there is a delete under the like it or love it...Ha!, yourself ! lol
    28. mysharona mysharona, 14 years ago
      Savoychina1 - Thanks so much for the info!
    29. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 14 years ago
      You, are welcome...
    30. mysharona mysharona, 10 years ago THIS IS US GETTING MY HUSBAND A CHOPPER AT k\COUNTS KUSTOMES THE BIKE IS ON history cHANNEL ON COUNTING CARS it is titled "Sharon Rides Again"
    31. mysharona mysharona, 10 years ago
      the Chopper is in season3. think the Roadrunner will be in the next new season 4
    32. otiamaria otiamaria, 10 years ago
      That's awesome, Sharon! I always watch "Counting Cars", and now I'm gonna make a point of paying attention better so I can see your episode, lol! I was engaged to a guy who had a car like yours. He bought it from a guy in CA and had it shipped up to us in WA. If I remember right, he paid about $30k for the car, and that was 15 years ago. From where I stand, though, your car is truly priceless. You just don't come across cars like that anymore. Enjoy it!!
    33. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      I love, love, love, love, love this!!

      Did I mention that I LOVE it ?

    34. mysharona mysharona, 10 years ago
      antiquerose thank u! it will be on this season of COUNTING CARS ON HISTORY CHANNEL!
    35. antiquerose antiquerose, 10 years ago
      @mysharona -- Keep us posted if you know the exact date. I watch COUNTING CARS on History Channel, but sometimes I miss it. Have to set the record button and pay attention when your Car is going to be on TV. Super neat!!!!

      Here is the link to that TV show web page:
    36. mysharona mysharona, 10 years ago
    37. wickencrafts wickencrafts, 4 years ago
      Nice Kitty

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