Antique, Vintage and Collectible Toys

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Toys are vehicles for the imagination, the physical objects children manipulate as their minds race with fantastic scenarios and secret adventures. Since ancient times, toys and games have been crafted to give children pleasure and prepare them...
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Toys are vehicles for the imagination, the physical objects children manipulate as their minds race with fantastic scenarios and secret adventures. Since ancient times, toys and games have been crafted to give children pleasure and prepare them for the adult world. One of the most enduring categories of vintage and antique toys encompasses toys that move. Pull toys, or wheeled toys powered by the user, have been popular since the time of the ancient Egyptians, whose tombs included miniature animals on wheels with mouths that opened and shut. The Egyptians also played with spinning tops, clay rattles, and balls made from clay, reeds, and leather. Evidence from around the same time in Europe suggests that children played with toy carts, balls and rackets, and even yo-yos. Archaeological discoveries from the ancient Roman Empire also include cloth and terracotta dolls, which remain one of the most widespread form of plaything, common to ancient societies in Asia, Africa, and North America. Roman children even played with toy soldiers, paving the way for more modern action figures, from G.I. Joes to “Star Wars” figures to Marx playsets. By the Medieval period, many common toy forms were well established, including balls, kites, pull-along animals, and hobby horses. Often these were carved from wood or bone, though the wealthiest families might have bronze, silver, or glass miniatures for their children to play with. During the 17th century, Germany grew into a major toy-making center, particularly the region around Nuremberg, famous for its carved wooden craftwork. German-made toys were eventually shipped across the world, finding homes in households from the United States to Russia. Toys from this period are highly collectible, including objects like rocking horses, dollhouses, card games, jigsaw puzzles, and paper dolls. In the 1740s, kids and adults alike went wild for “pantins” or jumping-jacks, flat figures made from cardboard or wood whose limbs...
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