KB1959Apr » collections




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Central , Ok.

Personal Website: facebook.com/profile.php?…

Have just recently started picking /collecting/going through stuff we have accumulated in our 34 years of marriage and seeing if "any" is worthy to suppliment our inHave just recently started picking /collecting/going through stuff we have accumulated in our 34 years of marriage and seeing if "any" is worthy to suppliment our income. I am a follower of Jesus Christ as the Only hope for fallen man. I am on ss disability due to a diagnosis of relapsing remitting multiple sclorosis in 2000. I really enjoy seeing all of the treasures that everyone here shares. (Read more)


  1. maybe this'll help Lady. looks like 1948. http://tinyurl.com/d4rbey7 Be sure and Vote today.
  2. how hard is the material , just curious ,heavy? Base looks similar to a soap stone carved giraffe that one of my wife's friends got her in Africa. Thanks for posting.
  3. Looks great bass . I don't have any ideas of value , but Mike n Frank have paid some good $$$'s for some signs that look alot rougher.Bummer that the bottom below "U.S. Patent " is so bad , have seen ...
  4. Thanks Bruce , I may have to try that , but I hate to move it and stop it , because since I first wound & set it , it has been in nearly "perfect" time with my Atomic clock that we have and watch all ...
  5. I wound it and hung the pendulum yesterday and it chimes and keeps good time so far. Still do not know I.D. info tho. :-(
  6. did find one , pudding / jello mold . that could be a bundt cake pan too , but it was the only thing with "FRIES" name . Nothing just lie this one though.
  7. Thank You for your help on my cocoa pot. I found a full set online different pattern , wish that I had the cups a saucers for it. That [would] be a great find.
  8. We too were all into the [good buddy] cb craze in the late 60's thru the 70's. My dad had a 65'tower with an antenna another 15' above that in residential South OKC,and he had a Demco Super Satellite ...
  9. See more


First Day Freestyling...I Found This..And Bought it Antique turqoise and gold brooch Victor Royal pre dog,  C 1900 Hood ornament.


WALTCO ny-o-lite. Du Pont Nylon Spinning Reel Browning Eagle receiver and transmitter. Stim-U-Lax Junior. Another dump treasure? Shawnee Pottery Piggie Cookie Jars and Salt Shakers at Alameda - Beautiful


posted 12 years ago
posted 13 years ago
posted 13 years ago
