Posted 9 years ago
(385 items)
8 FEET LONG / 4 FEET 54 inches HIGH!!!!! This is the bigest I have ever seen and was told they only made a little over a thousand. You can see how it covers the front of my truck. It weighs a ton!! Pulled a muscle moving it. Dated 1933 there were 8 duplicate of these signs found in possession of a man who was almost 100 years old and they had different sayings at the top. The guy who got them kept 4 and sold four because he had duplicates of each one. These signs this big have been selling in rougher condition for 4 and 5 thousand in my area I guess because they are not common. Thanks for stopping by:) and happy hunting!!!
great sign buddy!!
Sweet Sign and Cute Munchkins!
Missed the Munchkins !
Hi Trey! There's those little lovelies again!!! And wow, it's got the date on it too, very sweet to be in perfect condition!
Bet you about cringed when you saw Mani's post about her Aunts store and all those signs...
This is such an awesome sign!! And those kiddos of yours make the sign look even better!
Still yet another great sign. Looks like a nice little step side is holding it up.
Love your collection!
PS. And cute kids!
Sweet Trey!
Another awesome find by the guru of sign hunters! This one has got to go in your living room! When do u find time to "work"? I mean the kind that's makes u a living?
Sweet sign Trey, nice grab!!!
Wow that is a great find !! Your little helpers are going to be ready to go picking without you soon they will have learned so much :-)
Wow, it's HUGE!!!
Wow Trey, this is huge! Excellent find!
That sign is YYYYUUUUGGGE!!! I love your photos, Trey. :)
Awesome sign I wish I had the space.
Thanks for the love Sean and nice comment:)
Thanks for the love Daddy_Nobucks and the nice comment:) I told them to hold their arms out and say I once found a Coca Cola sign this big!!
Thanks for the love mikelv85.
Thanks for the love and nice comment olebodie.
Thanks for the love Efesgirl.
Thanks for the love bobby725.
Thanks for the love Brunswick.
Thank you for the love shareurpassion.
Thanks for the love iggy.
Thanks for the love jscott0363.
Thanks for the kind words jscott0363:)
Thanks for the love vetraio50.
Thanks for the love Caperkid.
Thanks for the love and nice comment nutsabotas6:)
Thanks for the love officialfuel.
Thanks for the love NevadaBlades.
Thanks for the love robeo4.
Thanks for the love ravage60.
Thanks for the love and kind words bb2:)
Thanks for the love and kind words vintagelamp:)
Thanks for the love DaveSierra.
Thanks for the love Recordmantime.
Thanks for the love and nice comment pops52.
Thanks for the love EJW-54.
Thanks for the love ttomtucker.
Thanks for the love CokeKid-04
Thanks for the love pickrknows.
Thanks for the love and nice comment Mani:)
Thanks for the love gargoylecollector.
Thanks for the love courtenayantiques.
Thanks for the love and nice comment Martika :)
Thanks for the love and nice comment Nicefice:)
Thanks for the love and nice comment Rick55:)
Thanks for the love charmsomeone.
Thanks for the love and nice comment katherinescollections :)
Thanks for the love mtg75
Thanks for the love Rattletrap and the nice comment:) I already told my loving wife my plans and her remarks can't be repeated here LOL!!!! she's my little spark plug :)
Thanks for the love Longings.
Thanks for the love and nice comment southjerseybob:)
Thanks for the nice comment pickrknows :)
Thanks for the love elanski
Thanks for the love antiquerose.
Thanks for the love OKCJim.
Thanks for hitting the love button again iggy:)
Thanks for the love and nice comment AmatoorPickr:)
Thanks for the love PhilDMorris.
Thanks for the love supervalk.
Thanks for the love wickencrafts.
Thanks for the love kyra.
1933 - wow- great shape.
Thanks for the love and nice comment buckethead:)
Thanks for the love edkal65.
Thanks for hitting the love button again Sean.
Thanks for the love oktreedude.
Thanks for the love and support pickrknows:)
Thanks for the love MacDaddyRico.
Thanks for the love bhamredlines.
Thanks for the love ttomtucker.
Thanks for the love Daddy_Nobucks.
Thank you for the love MrandMrsHines.
Thank you for the love Rknight.
Thank you for the love Coke1234.
Thank YOU for the love RichmondLori.