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Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co. Sewing Machines

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (29 items)

    A selection of Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co. sewing machines, as seen in various HSB&Co catalogs ranging from 1901 through 1915, courtesy of archive dot org (which allows copying, modification, or distribution for any non-commercial or educational purpose).

    The first image is from the 1901 catalog, and shows the Gold Hibbard.

    The second and third images are from the 1910 catalog, and show the OVB (Our Very Best) Bartlett.

    The 1910 designation of the catalog is a bit misleading. The details from archive dot org state:

    "The covers and first few pages of the index are missing from this catalog, so its catalog number and date is unknown. The pages were originally removable, and dated from 1903 to 1910."

    Indeed, pages 1101 and 1102 are marked "Mar. 1--09."

    The fourth image is from the 1915 catalog, and shows the OVB Bartlett, which appears to be very like the OVB Bartlett in the 1910 catalog, except that the tension disc assembly has migrated to the faceplate.


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