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    Posted 2 years ago

    (241 items)

    Hi folks:
    This is my last Show & Tell post as the general manager of Collectors Weekly. As of October 1st, I am retired!

    First, some information about this print. It is by Dave Kloc, who I wrote about in September of 2021. Kloc designed this screenprint for a band called Goose, a Phish-adjacent jam band that played Red Rocks on August 18, 2022. I’m not sure how many were printed and sold at the show, but this one is from the artist’s edition of 50. Dimensions are 18x24. The background and man’s coat match the brown slice of Red Rocks cake, but there’s a second colorway in which the background and coat are a purple-ish blue. I like this one better.

    As for retirement, for the past month I have been training a number of very nice and extremely competent individuals at Barnebys, our parent company, to manage Collectors Weekly. Please be patient with them as they learn how to re-categorize a quarter-million Show & Tell posts (selecting from almost 2,000 categories!) and respond to customer support, which includes S&T posts or comments that you’ve flagged as inappropriate. I always needed your help to run CW; the new team will, too.

    Mostly, the reason for this post is to thank you for 13 great years. It has been a pleasure to see all the wonderful, cool, crazy, weird, beautiful things you have posted to Show & Tell—I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to share your collections with us. Some of you have even permitted me to share your stories and collection with CW readers—thank you for your trust.

    Going forward, I will still be checking CW every day and posting as frequently as I can. Apologies in advance if I post too many rock posters… ;-)

    Best wishes to you and yours,

    Music and Concert Posters
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    Stevie Nicks Poster White Winged Do...
    Stevie Nicks Poster White Winged Dove Bob Masse Classic Hand-Signed Silver Ink
    Stevie Nicks Poster White Winged Do...
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    1. officialfuel officialfuel, 2 years ago
      Thank you and enjoy your retirement!! :-)

    2. kwqd kwqd, 2 years ago
      Congratulations on your retirement and 13 years of very sincerely appreciated service to the CW community! Enjoy your retirement!
    3. rniederman rniederman, 2 years ago
      Ben ... as I sit in sunny stands watching the final MN Twins home game ;) reading this post, I can't imagine CW going forward without your influence, guidance, and friendship. You've been the voice of reason when things occasionally got out of hand and introduced me to some amazing experts in their respective fields. The past 13 years have been an amazing journey and I hope you occasionally post another poster article. The parent company has big shoes to fill!

      And of course, what can I say about this great poster!
    4. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 2 years ago
      Please one more year , please
      don’t get off on the thirteenth floor
    5. Newfld Newfld, 2 years ago
      God bless Ben, you'll be greatly missed. Enjoy your retirement
    6. Ben Ben, 2 years ago
      Thanks everybody for the comments and Loves!
    7. IronLace IronLace, 2 years ago
      Thank you so much, Ben, & I hope that retirement allows you to pursue your passions completely unfettered. I discovered CW in late 2016 & it soon became a significant part of my life as it was changing dramatically...right from the start CW was, & continues to be, a "rock" for me as I'm sure it is for many others...wishing you all the best going forward!
    8. keramikos, 2 years ago
      Wow. 8-0

      Thank you, enjoy, and good luck. :-)
    9. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 2 years ago
      My hat is off to you, Ben, for the efforts you've given to allow all the rest of us to otherwise show/brag/ask about all our crap, then usually learn something new about. This place has been and remains an invaluable resource to me for that alone, despite the 'friends I've never met' that came along the way too, and I hope I can count you amongst all the rest of those fellow members.

      THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, with my fullest best wishes for wherever your life is going to take you now.

      All the best, Tim

      :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

    10. Belltown Belltown, 2 years ago
      Thanks again for the additional comments and Loves. One week into retirement, and I'm exhausted! ;-)
    11. Newfld Newfld, 2 years ago
      Hi Ben,

      Hope you have been checking out CW the past couple days. New posts are not showing up in latest activity (just on the poster's profile page), and the opening page of current activity has been in a semi-frozen, not moving state. We members are all a little worried that the site could have been compromised in some way, and really hope it doesn't shut down, we've enjoyed it for so many years :) Miss you & hope all is well

      Always, Jenni
    12. Belltown Belltown, 2 years ago
      Hi Jenni. I see what you means and have notified my former colleagues. I think it's a simple glitch, and I hope they can fix it soon! Best, Ben
    13. Newfld Newfld, 2 years ago
      Thanks so much Ben, and happy holiday week

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