Posted 2 years ago
(3475 items)
This was the bayonet for the M14 rifle used by the US from the later 50s to the early Vietnam War. I have another that is made by Camilus but collectors need all the variations. The blade design on this started with the bayonet for the M1 Carbine in WWII and to the bayonet for the M16. I am not sure but it still may be in use. What changes are the parts for attaching it to the rifle where there are two points. I will need to do a post to show the differences between them.
The scabbard is the M8A1 which is used for all the variations. for the blade style. In the last photo is the M5A1 also made by Milpar for the M1 Garand rifle.
Another not as funny story of Nam. We went over as a Supply Battalion in 66 and our M 14's we're locked up!! We Short timers were rotating back in two weeks
so The new GIs were taking over. We had an Alert an armor plated jeep like my last story was ambushed by the Cong!! They took over an firing the 50. Blackout time. The new Sarge was standing at the weapon's tent with a flashlight telling us to show our weapons card!! Our Old Sargent knocked the flashlight out of his hands and passed out the M 14s
I looked at Ash we both had the same idea!! Grabbed a 6 pack and went under our hooch. Rather get stung by a scorpion then shot by one of the Newbees running around chamberimg rounds!!
Thank you very much stuff. Probably a good idea to stay out of the way of the FNGs. You could used one of these bayonets to open the cans if they didn't have pull tops.
Fort you just brought back another memory. Pull tabs were just coming out in the 60's so We were told 2 ship's bringing us Beer ran into a typhoon and the pull tabs failed so dockside they condemned the cargo. We were down to drinking Pink champagne from the PX. Beer arrived and couldn't unload it fast enough. Put a lot of pallets down in an open an area an thru wire around it. Guess who got guard duty. Me and Ash!! Drinking warm beer all night !!
You should have seen US trying to get up on the back of the Deuce and a half!!
Great story again stuff. Good thing you guys were guarding it.
The Vietnamese Beer was called Barmde barm (spelling?) 33 beer
It had a black panther on the bottle. We called it Panther Piss!
Have a hundred funny stories about my time in the service. It sure beats the Horror that was Nam. You have great Stuff especially Boy Scout stuff!! I have a hundred stories about My Scouting years too. Great memories!!!