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PK glass with "modelled decoration"

In Art Nouveau > Show & Tell and Art Glass > Bohemian Art Glass > Show & Tell.
Recent Activity147 of 6681Large Victorian spreading orange vase with Rococo style gilding - early LoetzChinese pulled glass  vase NOT Skrdlovice or Beranek
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    Posted 2 years ago

    (37 items)

    These glasses are attributed to the Elisabeth glass factory (Pallme-König & Habel). They form a group for which there are hardly any comparable shapes with other known decorations of the Elisabeth factory.
    They divide the collector community. Some find them beautiful, others rather hideous. They probably have a bit of both – a kind of dualism of delicacy and coarseness. The perfect surface sets itself off in delicate shades of purple with the finest luster iris. The harmony of surface, color and iris is hardly inferior to the nobility of old Venetian glass. It invites the eye to look and the hands to touch. Now the coarseness. It weighs on the delicate vessels in the form of powerful, massive applications in gray. Thick glass strands, massive leaves, strong handles and feet form the antithesis of nobility. They are opaque, decorated with gray shimmering crumbs on dark purple glass. Even in the sunlight, they look undercooled and dull-sensuous.
    No matter how one feels about the design, it is a particularity and, when viewed sympathetically, quite expressionistic to fairy-tale-like. The pasty overlays, as if formed from modeling clay, ultimately transform the simple vessels into ornamental objects.

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    1. Glassfever Glassfever, 2 years ago
      Very nice!
    2. kev123, 2 years ago
      Nice, nothing hideous there.
    3. IronLace IronLace, 2 years ago
      These represent everything I love about art glass - imagination & skill coming together to make a fantasy reality. Wonderful!
    4. glasfreund glasfreund, 2 years ago
      Thank you all for your nice comments!
    5. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 2 years ago
      so beautiful and such and imposing set congrats

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