Posted 2 years ago
(189 items)
I picked this lovely couple. A pair of Pre Columbian Effigies made from terracotta. These are old, very old from the look of the terracotta. To me the look and ware of these sculptures really drew my attention. There are two holes in each figure. One on top, and one on bottom. The taller sculpture measures a little over 10” tall and the smaller one measures just about 10”. Very nice details still visible!
Any information on these pieces would really be appreciated!
in storage wars they used aceton if you haven,t got the equipment
@apostata , yep! The acetone didn’t remove a speck of the paint.
well i am not an expert, i was a coffeeboy and a duster 45 years
you can go to a local barber, order a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide peroxide to isolate the black lining on amalgan ,when the paint comes of when it is fake, when it is real it blooms
you can judge by rooting striae, totale absense is a bad sign
real experts auctioneers ( i was just an errandboy than), it may sounds awfull strange wet there fingers and TASTE the bottom
i never was skilled enough , and i will never obtain the required level for the expertise, i datamine it on colors and shape
i forbid my co-workers to buy this type of art , main reason is legislation and and fakes
correction 45 years AGO
@apostata , I’ve posted some newer photos of root marks. Couldn’t find any good Manganese blooms to test. One of them have been repaired. I think a TL test might be a solution to help me uncover the mystery of these items.