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Formative Toys Soldiers of the World - World War I French Infantryman Kmart Exclusive 1997

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    Posted 2 years ago

    (3485 items)

    I think I covered everything in the title section aside from it is 1/6 scale the same as GI Joe. In the 90s there was a revival of the 12" Gi Joes and a few other companies started producing 12" figures. Formative was one of them and may have made the most variety. They made figures from the American Revolutionary War to modern figures. Thew thing was that the quality was hit and miss. Ultimat Soldier and Dragon were making much higher quality figure sets so I passed these by. But now I am picking them up but not all of them. Like I said they were hit and miss.
    This opne is a Kmart exclusive set of WWI figures. See photo #2 to see the other figures available in this line. They made a less colorful version of the WWI figures. I hacve at least one of them.

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