Posted 2 years ago
(3478 items)
My latest tricycle. This one has a lot of 1950s rocket age styling going on. IO am sure this would go perfect with a Plymouth Satellite or any car with big fins..
This tricycle has a couple extra wires above the front fender for that atomic age look plus a large front fender. It has the double deck in back for extra comfort for a rider. It is rather small tricycle though.
In the meantime all the yard art and gnomes are emerging from the snow. We shall see how many survived soon.
I’m picturing this trike shiny, brand new with a determined little boy peddling with all his mite, transporting 2 more kids as passengers, hanging on tight. Maybe getting some occasional assistance from the larger of the “tricycle parasites” who gives a push with his foot. A high speed thrill ride for all. :^D
Nicely Aged Murray w/iconic stitched Troxel tricycle seat.
I'm thinking more in the early 1960s for this particular two step model.
Thank you very much Watchsearcher. And riding up and down a driveway with a grass strip in the middle.
Thank you very much Falcon. You are probably right.